Harris blames Trump for abortion ban in Arizona 

 Source:entertainment Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 16:52:55 Number of comments:
tucson, arizona — 

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday blamed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for the loss of abortion rights in Arizona, three days after a court there upheld a 160-year-old ban on the procedure.

Arizona's conservative Supreme Court sent a shock wave through one of 2024's most competitive election states, which could swing the presidential race and determine control of the Senate.

Strategists in both parties said the ruling, which outlaws nearly all abortions, would push even Republican-leaning moderates toward Democrats, while also animating young voters and voters of color.

"We all must understand who is to blame: former President Donald Trump did this," Harris said before an audience that included reproductive health patients and providers in Tucson. "A second Trump term would be even worse ... . If Donald Trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban."

Women hold signs as they listen to Vice President Kamala Harris speak on reproductive freedom at El Rio Neighborhood Center in Tucson, Ariz., April 12, 2024.